系所別 |
考試科目 |
資訊管理系碩士班 |
資訊與傳播 |
You may use 中文 or English to answer the questions.
1. (25%) Portal site currently is very hot issue on the Internet, such as Yahoo!, Excite, and Lycos in U.S., or Yam, Kimo, Todo in Taiwan. The Major income for a portal site seems from advertisement. The idea to manage a portal site is to keep the users staying in the site as long as possible to watch the advertisement.
What kinds of functionality do you think are advertisement?
2. (25%) Please explain the difference between ISP (Internet Service Provider) and ICP (Internet Content Provider).
3. (25%) What is a virtual community on the Internet? How can you organize a virtual community, which is able to achieve the educational and cultural purpose?
4. (25%) Compare the traditional medias (such as newspaper, radio, television) to new media (such as computer network), can you give an example to explain what is the major difference during the product planning and design.